Upverter Provides the Largest Database of Professionally Verified Parts

Upverter’s cloud-based platform verifies part designs, reducing your risk of PCB re-spins due to errors in part symbols and footprints. Upverter verifies all the parts for accuracy of the schematic symbol, footprint, and part attributes so you can manufacture your board with confidence.

What exactly does Upverter verify?

Upverter verifies key part attributes, schematic symbol pin numbers and names, pin-to-pad assignment, and footprint geometry as per IPC standards, to ensure you have a functional part in both your schematic and layout designs. Lastly, Upverter will verify if the part has ever been manufactured before.

How does this happen?

Through Upverter’s Concierge Service, whenever you use a part that hasn’t already been verified it will automatically be queued for verification by our system. You can continue with your design and a verification notification will appear in the editor once the system has completed verification of the part.

Click below to learn how to have your parts verified: