Unable to assign all pins in a part

i think the pin manager is broken right now. for some reason all pins become unassigned when i close it. if i click ‘handle unassigned’ then it fixes all but the first pin. if i click edit and fix the first pin (change the sub-symbol to ‘A’ and the Side to ‘left’) then when i click ‘save’ it changes all the other pins to unassigned. so it’s impossible to have all pins assigned at the same time, and it’s impossible to save. basically making this feature useless…


Thanks for reporting this issue. I have filed a ticket and we will look into this. You can hear back from me with an update on this very soon. In the meanwhile, when a situation like this occurs, I would suggest that you follow this workflow:

  1. Add pin number and name information only (skip the sub-symbol and side), then click ‘Save’
  2. Draw a shape using the ‘Draw Shape’ tool from left-side toolbar
  3. Assign the pins to the shape on the side that you want. This will automatically take care of the sub-symbol

If you prefer, we can make create components for you. Just put in a request here: https://upverter.com/parts/request/

Hope this helps. Feel free to use the live chat or e-mail us at support@upverter.com


This regression has been resolved and is now live. We regret this issue made it past testing.
