I would like a Web API

I would like a web API to be able to get information from my upverter projects in order to integrate them into a larger project landing page. Specifically I would like to be able to get ‘activity’ ‘status’ and ‘issues’ With this information I could aggregate from other tools (github, onshape, etc) in order to see activity/issues/status from all tools in one place.

For public designs, it’s currently possible to use the APIs we use in the tool with a couple of requests:

  • Issues:
    • curl 'https://upverter.com/api/DesignGetThread' --data '{"design_id":"YOUR_DESIGN_ID"}'
  • Activity
    • curl 'https://upverter.com/api/DesignActivity' --data '{"design_id":"YOUR_DESIGN_ID"}'
  • Status
    • curl 'https://upverter.com/api/DesignMetaGet' --data '{"design_id":"YOUR_DESIGN_ID"}'

The design ID can be found in the URL when you’re working on a design: https://tools.upverter.com/eda/#designId=YOUR_DESIGN_ID