How to Delete a Project

Perform the following steps from the project page:

  1. Click License --> Edit

  2. Click Delete tab

I can not find this “License --> Edit”. Could you please suggest how to delete my project once again?

Hi @vvavrychuk,

the UI has changed a lot since that screenshot. :slight_smile:

You can delete your project from the “edit details” (button on the top right of the of your project page.

at the bottom of this paget there is the “delete project” button.

Hope this help, let me know if there is anything else you need a hand with.


The UI seems to have changed again. I didn’t find how to delete a project.

Hope this helps:

  1. Click on the project
  2. Click on the Edit button
  3. Click ‘I want to remove this project
  4. Click ‘Remove