Eagle Library Imports

Am I able to import my custom Eagle Libraries into Upverter?

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@Alex should chime in here, but in the mean time here is what I know…

TL;DR => Not today, but soon.

We have implemented all of the prerequisite features to make this possible. It started with Eagle design import, and then UPNs, and then a ton of library improvements, and we just shipped private part libraries in December. The final puzzle piece is the one you’re asking for - part library import. It’s in our part team’s queue and we think they will get to it within the next 6 weeks.

Zak, that’s great news. Thanks for the update.

Thanks also for creating this forum … it is something i asked for quite some time ago and I am glad to see it’s finally here.

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I would appreciate this, too. It would make it easy to interface with seeedstudio’s open parts library:


Hi is there any progress to report on this initiative.

The eagle library import is in progress. Should have it available soon.

Hi whats the status now?


As of now, we still don’t support Eagle library imports. However, it is a project that is in the pipeline and we should be enabling parts library import soon.

I know you guys are juggling lots of priorities but Zak did say 6 weeks not 6 months.

@yashwanth We’ve got the importer built right? I think we’re actually just missing the UI / UX. Maybe while he’s waiting for us to build that you can import some parts for him manually? Did we ever import the Sparkfun, Seeed & Adafruit libraries? Talk to Dian.

Hi Zak,

Will talk to Dian and get back to him.



We released two major features i.e system design and constraints about a week ago. We are currently focussing on fixing bugs related to those features and once this is done, our next big thing will be to enable parts library import. Dian, who is one of our software engineers has almost (need to implement few changes) finished writing the script for the library import but he got caught-up with bug fixing the new features off-late. Once he is done (definitely very soon), his primary focus will be to get the library import feature working and I will keep you posted.


Thanks for the detailed update it is appreciated :smile:

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So where are we with Eagle Library imports?

Well, it’s been quite a while now…

Are we ever getting Eagle library imports?

Yeah, I suppose with the sale to Altium priorities change. This has pretty much killed Upverter for me. The difficulty and time required to migrate is way too large.