What is the best option for prototypes manufacturing today?


I have a project in upverter (6 layer pcb) and want to produce samples (<10 pcs). What is the best option for today ?
Do any fab can grab project from upverter and prepare estimation and then produce samples ?

ideally it will be great if upverter can do manufacturing in one click inside web-interface (something like macrofab.com :slight_smile: )

You can try https://easyeda.com/order , you can order your gerber file at there.

I’ve used Sierra Circuits and they seemed to have their stuff together.


I’ve also used OSH Park but you’ll have to check to see if they can support your # of layers. Not sure if they do assembly though.


Optimatech use all popular methods for circuit board manufacture. From SMT (Surface Mount Technique) to through hole technology we offer the best that suit your needs.