Anonabox - Tor in a router

This seems pretty neat! 400% funded too.

I think it’s a positive thing for Tor. More traffic, more relays, more users, improves Tor for everyone.

It may have the potential to provide a false sense of security though. Since none of the applications on your computer are Tor aware there’s a high potential to leak information that would allow you to be deanonymized. Being signed into Facebook, LinkedIn, Google in the same browser that you are counting on for anonymity is dangerous.

On the other hand. It does allow you to use Tor with devices that would otherwise connect over the open Internet. Maybe you want a Nest or a Dropcam but don’t want them knowing your IP address/location. I think having a stepping stone that people can use for Internet of Things devices will help provide awareness and interest in better security for these devices.

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